Monday, May 25, 2009

SOA Gateway and the Cloud

Having recently seen a number of presentations about Cloud, it has struck me that like SOA, we are seeing the same boxes being placed in a similar pattern and there seems to be an assumption that they will simply communicate with each other. Is it any wonder that people are turned off some of these new advances in technology when the powerpoints make it look so easy. The Cloud offers some fantastic benefits in terms of making resources available easily and 'on demand', however, if the applications that are implemented within the cloud are using proprietary technologies to talk to each other, they will become locked to the one Cloud. One of the dreams of Cloud Computing is an ability to pick the best Cloud based on your most important criteria be that cost, availability etc. Then why should you not be able to roam from Cloud to Cloud as the criteria change. We believe that the usage of standards based interfaces to communicate between applications in the Cloud gives the best of both worlds as discussed here.

Best regards,

John Power - Free Industry Papers Here

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