Wednesday, August 19, 2009

IBM DB2 Data in action

I was recently invited by IBM to paricipate in a virtual conference called Data in Action essentially about their DB2 product. This was an interesting experiment as it had a number of virtual booths that were 'manned' by IBM personnel and then there was a solutions area where we presented. There were approximately 800 non IBM personnel and 100 people from IBM personnel registered. At one point when I checked, it appeared that there were over 400 people in attendance.

It was quite an interesting experience as it was possible to see who was entering each area. It was then possible to engage people in a chat or they could start a chat with the 'expert' for the solution that they wished to have answers to. While not perfect by any means (what conference format is ?), it meant that people could attend at no travel cost while potentially still sitting at their desks available to participate in any crisis that may occur in their organizations.

Register for the event here and have a look at the presention from Risaris. We did the slides and IBM did the voiceover. Essentially our pitch was the ability to access DB2 from various clients. You can find more specific information in accessing DB2 Data from Excel , VB, JAVA or PHP as an example. You can also download the software for a Free trial.

Best regards,


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